Thursday, 21 May 2009

Big Weekend Sailing Event - OSTAR starts in Plymouth

If you are wondering what to do over the May Bank Holiday, this weekend, why not head down to Plymouth and watch the start of the OSTAR! (Original Single Handed Trans-Atlantic Race) There are approximately 36 entrants in the race, from Great Britain, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, Austria and the United States. All the boats are already in Plymouth busy with last minute preparations before the start.

Want to follow the race online? All the information that you need is on the fantastic OSTAR website

Rather than trying to explain the history and significance of the OSTAR ourselves, we've taken the following text from the OSTAR website © The Royal Western Yacht Club of England ltd. Queen Anne's Battery Plymouth PL4 OTW

"The Original Single Handed Trans-Atlantic Race (OSTAR) is the world’s oldest solo ocean challenge, dating back to 1960. Founded by ‘cockleshell hero’ Blondie Hasler and first won by the circumnavigator Sir Francis Chichester, the race has upheld its Corinthian roots, providing aspiring professional and amateur sailors with the ultimate challenge. Val Howells remains the sole survivor of that first race. Some of the world’s greatest sailors have taken part including; Eric Tabarly, Pete Goss, Loick Peyron, Francis Joyon, Mike Golding, Michel Desjoyeaux and Ellen MacArthur. The Atlantic is the only judge and allows no room for mistakes, emphasising that the race truly is inspired by legends and sailed by heroes. The Royal Western Yacht Club is delighted to announce that the 2009 edition of the Original Singlehanded Transatlantic Race from Plymouth to Newport, Rhode Island will start on the 25th May 2009. "
© Ostar2009 RWYC.